November Laser Cutting Work

Laser Cutting Service

This image shows our CO2 3.2Kw Trumpf Laser machine Oxygen cutting 3mm XF350 steel. These parts destined for the automotive and heavy goods sectors are later pressed to form. The use of this specialised material ensures that accuracy of repeatability is consistent at such volumes.

This image shows our CO2 3.2Kw Trumpf Laser machine Oxygen cutting 3mm XF350 steel. These parts destined for the automotive and heavy goods sectors are later pressed to form. The use of this specialised material ensures that accuracy of repeatability is consistent at such volumes.

Illustrated here are a completed batch of pressed aluminium components after 5 axis laser cutting on our 7040 split cabin 3.2Kw CO2 Trumpf laser. As these parts are one of the first components seen on a range of luxury high end vehicles, surface finish is paramount. Each of these aluminium components is returned to our sister company Moseley Brothers after Laser operations for final processing before being supplied to their customer.

3030 CO2 Flatbed Laser machine from GF Laser Cutting Services UK on Vimeo.

This video shows our 3030 CO2 Flatbed Laser machine processing 5mm thick pre galvanised steel with a Nitrogen cutting gas to create components intended for the construction industry. The specific part identification is laser engraved on each for quick recognition. The CE accreditation we hold allows us to provide these high quality components to our customer’s requirement with full traceability support.