Focus On CE Marking

What is CE Marking?


Most of us are familiar with the CE logo, for many years products sold in the UK have displayed the CE logo to signify that the goods sold are of a certain quality and meet recognised industry safety standards.

I Understand That, But How Does This Effect Laser Cutting?

Many laser cut and folded parts end up being used in the construction industry, the production of these parts is covered by BS EN 1090-1 which specifically mentions fabricated structural steelwork. Therefore, it is a legal requirement to make sure that any part of, say a metal framed building, complies with the necessary standards. When goods sold comply to EN 1090 they are then commonly known as CE marked.

But Now We Are Coming Out Of The European Union, What’s The Point?

Good question, obviously none of us know what will happen to CE marking in a couple of years once Britain exits the EU. However, CE marking is an internationally recognised standard so it’s likely that UK businesses will adhere to the standard in the foreseeable future so they can place their goods on sale internationally.

CE Marking and ISO9001: Are There Many Differences?

There is a lot of similarity between the two standards and certainly having ISO approval at GF Laser made it easier to get the CE marking approval for laser cut and folded parts. However, CE marking does go into more depth covering specifics of manufacturing. For example, GF Laser periodically sends out laser cut and folded parts to be hardness tested to ensure the mechanical properties have not changed in such a way that the parts would be deemed not fit for purpose.

To download a copy of GF Laser’s CE Marking certificate please click here.

To download a copy of our ISO 9001 Quality Statement click here.

Simon Tregillus | Director

T: 01384 245095
M: 07792 143076

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